STEINSAALSTAGE – RUNDGANG 2024, Sa 20. & So 21.1

Kurzbauergasse 9, 1020 Wien

kill – the band 

Saturday, 20.1, 10pm


bite me, baby Maulwurf

mein Herz schlägt Synkopen

es geht sich nicht aus

I’m in a punkband now

I should be feeling feelings

it’s none of your business

staub ist der einzige dreck

und wir sind vier


Get ready for some easy-listening ambient punk by kill – the band, pick up some new ear worms and let yourselves be enchanted by a fresh mix of protest, humour and romance.


Fotocredits: Julia Maria Grube

Sanna Lu Una

Saturday, 20.1, 6:30pm


Ihre Stimme befreit, begleitet von verträumten Synths, Streichern, Bläsern, Glockenspielen und metallischen Beats. Sanna Lu Una, Musikerin und Performerin, lässt mit ihrer Musik neue Welten entstehen und platziert diese in den weiten Gewässern des Avantgarde-Pop. Sie verarbeitet existenzialistische Fragen und verpackt diese spielerisch in fantastische Bilder. Die Songtexte kommunizieren ähnlich wie Traumsprache über Metaphern und Symbole und ermöglichen eine lebhafte und bildliche Reflexion.


Photo by ©Dashugar

Pål and Pals 

Saturday 20.1, 8:30pm

Pål Rees, Benjamin Ben Amotz, Anton Bennent


Pål and pals are a great band playing beautiful music and having a good time together.



Photo by Michelle Schäfer 

Your Body is a Skyscraper 

Saturday, 20.1, 4pm

lecture performance by Fred Heinemann in Kooperation mit Leona Koldehoff 


Der Balkon als Bühne, als Plattform, als Sprungbrett, als Erholungsort. 

Der Balkon als Manifest, als Zeuge, als Ort für Revolution. 

Der Balkon als Essay, der Balkon als Versuch. 

Der Balkon als Ort für postbinäre Körper. 



Photo credits: Caroline Kox  

Daphne von Schrader

Sunday 21.1, 4pm

Live electronic Ambiente/Noise set, Second half together with David Pridal aka murmur


Process and recycle found audio material. Snatched and hijacked audio scraps, captured noise mishmashs and fragmented sample collectives decompose into wildly dissonant aural mingle-mangle environments. The electroacoustic collages of associated impressions and feelings build up layer by layer, intermingling in-between and rummaging in spontaneously emerging under- and overwater stories about beautiful singing Hotchpotchs.

No plane no bird (sketches)

Sunday 21.1, 3pm

Sound piece by Linn Nora Henz


Produced from field recordings of the frozen Val Bregaglia and the eternal city of Rome, this sequence of sketches is some kind of a substrate of materials for a sound piece to come. It negotiates sound pollution pushing for melody, slides from the organic to the synthetic, from sentimental silence to the pragmatic limits of the sound system. A physical listening space and a state of sensory acuity. Please sit through.

singing things

Saturday, 20.1, 3pm

Sound Performance by Bíborka Béres & Sanna Bo


Everything around us is singing, so we are putting a mic to them. Live sound-play-material-remix-performance by two friends 〜

Stand Up For Cancer

Sunday 21.1, 2:30pm

Performance, Charlotta Öberg

someone told me to think positive when I got cancer so I wrote some stand up about it


Reading: I like beaks more than lips, they can’t really purse

10 minutes, Charlotta Öberg, reading some poetry


waking up to another day with blood nose

distance between me and death

had become closer than it supposed to be

borrowed time and panties from a friend out of fear of shitting mine


hard against hard

cross legging, focus on not crouching inwards, that gives off weak aura

everything is sharp towards a thin body, whatever crashed against it felt angular versus this bony skinpurse. hard against hard. 


photo: (c) Susi Schmid

Saturday 20.1:


ralafad – Moving sound experience, ongoing Installation, Luis Penn


3pm – Singing Things, Sound Performance by Bíborka Béres & Sanna Bo


4pm – Your Body is a Skyscraper, Lecture performance by Fred Heinemann & Leona Koldehoff


6:30pm – Sanna Lu Una


8:30pm – Pål and Pals


10pm  – kill – the band


11pm – DJ Audio Red




Sunday 21.1:


1:30pm – Friends of Friends of Jesus, Electro acoustic performance, Andreas Sahl Andersen


2:30pm – Stand Up For Cancer, Performance and Reading, Charlotta Öberg


3pm – No plane no bird (sketches), Sound piece, Linn Nora Henz


4pm – Klänge Kapern und Audiokompost, Live electronics Improvisation by Daphne von Schrader together with David Pridal (murmurmur)